
PO Box 1073, Saugatuck, MI 49453


Our chamber music concerts are, and have always been, an incredible value. But ticket revenues cover only about 25% of the operating costs of our organization. We invite all who are able and inclined to consider a gift to our Festival. We can assure you that all donations will contribute to our ability to deliver on our artistic and educational goals.


Our chamber music concerts are, and have always been, an incredible value. But ticket revenues cover only about 25% of the operating costs of our organization. We invite all who are able and inclined to consider a gift to our Festival. We can assure you that all donations will contribute to our ability to deliver on our artistic and educational goals.


Our chamber music concerts are, and have always been, an incredible value. But ticket revenues cover only about 25% of the operating costs of our organization. We invite all who are able and inclined to consider a gift to our Festival. We can assure you that all donations will contribute to our ability to deliver on our artistic and educational goals.


We appreciate your support

Consider donating either by mailing a check or donate online.

To avoid credit card fees and to give CMFS the full amount of our donation, you may send a donation check to:

CMFS, PO Box 1073, Saugatuck, MI 49453
CMFS, PO Box 1073, Saugatuck, MI 49453
CMFS, PO Box 1073, Saugatuck, MI 49453

Or you can donate online.

Donate online

What your support means

Your financial support helps programs like these grow:

Enables us to continue to feature accomplished and engaging musicians
Enables us to continue to feature accomplished and engaging musicians
Enables us to continue to feature accomplished and engaging musicians
Supports our outreach efforts with grammar and high school students
Supports our outreach efforts with grammar and high school students
Supports our outreach efforts with grammar and high school students
Permits us to sponsor student interns to help with our concert productions
Permits us to sponsor student interns to help with our concert productions
Permits us to sponsor student interns to help with our concert productions
Provides the financial base for us to grow and enrich our festival
Provides the financial base for us to grow and enrich our festival
Provides the financial base for us to grow and enrich our festival
Supports the Joan Conway Young Artist Program
Supports the Joan Conway Young Artist Program
Supports the Joan Conway Young Artist Program

Discover OTHER ways you can support CMFS


Would you like to support us by getting involved?

More than ever, CMFS needs help from volunteers. There are all kinds of ways to help and they are listed below.

Help with a mailing
Help with a mailing
Help with a mailing
Pour wine at a reception
Pour wine at a reception
Pour wine at a reception
Assist at an educational event
Assist at an educational event
Assist at an educational event
Spread the word about Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck
Spread the word about Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck
Spread the word about Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck

2023 Donors

Thank you for your support!

Thank You for your generous support of our 38th annual Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck!

Premier Underwriters ($2500+):

Pruden, Rudolph & Fernande


Primary Underwriters ($1000-2499):

Burdick-Thorne foundation

Tim Chalus & Dan Klask

David Colwell & Mary Ann Quick**

Joan Conway

Stuart & Lynette Fall

David & Susan Hoekema

Terry & Ruth Hofmeyer

Margaret McDermott

Larry Fuerst & Suzanne Scott

Doug & Kay Walvoord

Clasina Young


Partial Underwriters ($500-$999): 

Richard Britsch

Ron & Jessie Dalman

Dennis & Jane Dreyer

Tim Farmer & Tom Slater

Fred & Sally Floberg

Catherine Frecker

Bob & Chris Gamble

Paula Golden

Bill Klatt & Jim McHugh

Rick & Gayle Lipsig

Fred & Joanna Norris

Joseph & Rosemary O’Hara

Carolyn Richards*

Ray Swierenga

Malcolm & Jan Tripp

West Shore Aware 

Patron ($250-$499):

Sarah Ash & Todd Oleson

Robert & June Baker*

Peter & Sarah Bast

Suzie Blair*

Don Bruggink

Marilyn Heiss

Kathleen Markland

Les & Barb Neuman

Carol Niffenegger

Jack & Lee Nyenhuis

Philip Raywood

Nancy VandeWater

George & Gail Zainea

Sponsor ($100-$249):

Mark Barrone

Nina Bell

Philip Bohlander

Jacob & Vivian Boot

Rick Bradley

Carol Cox

Tom & Lynn Dandridge

Roxanne Decyk

Chris & Barb DeRose

Greg & Amanda Dykhouse

Elaine Fluck

Arthur Frederick

Carol Garvelink

Kenneth & Carol Gold

Ron & Gail Goldblatt

Robert Golub & Dierdre Dupre

Jim Hanson

Mark & Mimi Harris

James & Jacqueline Heisler

Thomas & Louise Homburger

Joseph & Nancy Huber*

Gerald & Mary Hunsburger

Dale & Alice Johnson

William & Patricia Lint

Joy Muehlenbeck

Larry & Lisa Pentiuk

Dave & Laurie Randall

Julie Rubin

Jim Sellman

Warren Shifferd

Lynne Snyder

Corwin Stoppel & Pat Dewey

Margery VerBeek


Supporter (Up to $99):

Sue Bohlander

Sookkyung Cho

Karen Dunn

Sam & Lori Ferlito

Megan Fritchman

Aaron & Kristin Goodyke

Gloria Goodwin

Mark & Giny Hoekman

Valerie Palmer-Mehta

April Scholtz

Jack & Myrna Shapiro

Patricia Sharp

Thomas & Ruth Small

John Sporer

Gordon & Barbara Stegink

Philip & Donna Stockton

Mike & Mae Van Ark

Carol Welz-Gustafson*


* This donation supports the

Chamber Music Festival of Saugatuck

Education Fund established in memory of Wayne Richards


** This donation supports the

CMFS Master Class Series


Please email us if you have edits:


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